New Thing

December 28, 2024

God gives us new years, new moons, rainbows, and birthdays to remind us that we can be made new. We are changed on the inside, but there is often a gap between the change in our hearts and the change we see in the mirror. This message answers the question: How can the change inside of me come out of me?

You Are The Salt Of The Earth

December 14, 2024

The Beatitudes show us how to be happy. What follows from them in Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount is the secret to making other people happy. Namely, we are to be the salt of the earth to effect real change, not just in individuals but in society as a whole. This message shows how the church has immensely impacted the world since the first century.

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

November 30, 2024

Being a peacemaker is not what you think. It is not being passive or pacifying others. It is acting as an agent of God to bring reconciliation to the world. In the Bible, peacemakers were mostly in the context of war. They are ambassadors who offer the enemy the terms of peace. That is the role of every Christian in this world. This message describes how you can participate in that endeavor.

Blessed Are The Merciful

November 16, 2024

Grace is getting what we don’t deserve. Mercy is NOT getting what we do deserve. If we are to be like our heavenly Father, then showing mercy is not optional. He is, from the beginning, merciful. It is, therefore, incumbent on all followers of Jesus to show the kind of mercy to others that he showed to us, even to our enemies. This message unpacks the strategy for becoming people of mercy.

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

October 26, 2024

This beatitude is one of the eight secrets Jesus gives for happiness. But it may not mean what you think it does. When we hear this beatitude, we immediately think of the difficulties we all face in life. In context, however, the tip of the spear is not the sadness we feel for what has happened to us but the repentance we practice for what we have done to God through our sins. Our mourning leads to repentance, which leads to life-change and that is what brings our greatest joy in life.

Dealing with Disappointment

August 24, 2024

In Jeremiah 12:5, God tells the prophet, “If you’re worn out in this footrace with men, what makes you think you can race with horses?”  Much like Jeremiah, many of us are worn out by what we see all around us. We must learn to live our lives where nothing around us can shake us.  To run with the horses, we need to learn how to deal with disappointment, and Jeremiah offers us a model in Jeremiah chapter 20.

Psalms: Can I be Honest with God?

June 1, 2024

Music is a gift that gives wings to our feelings and helps carry us into the presence of God. There is a whole category of psalms called “complaint” psalms when David lets loose his full frustration with God. There are more than a dozen of these. The very first is Psalm 3. Let that sink in. The first two Psalms are a single introduction to the entire book. So, right out of the gate, the first Psalm after the introduction is how to complain to God without going to hell.

Psalms: How to Worship When You’re Ashamed

June 8, 2024

If you open the Bible to the very center, you’ll be in the book of Psalms. This is the longest book of the Bible, and it’s the one that deals with the most emotions. It’s a way of helping us connect with God through all of our seasons of different emotions. One of the most difficult to talk about is shame. This is the emotion that most causes us to hide from God and from others. So the entire sermon in a single sentence is this: How can we worship when we’ve failed God?

Psalms: How to Worship When You’re Overwhelmed

June 22, 2024

Worship is the window into another world to help you manage this one. When you see God for who he is, you can see yourself for who you are, and you find your purpose in this world. That’s why God gave us the book of Psalms. Worship is central to the human experience. Perhaps that’s why God put this worship manual right in the middle of the Bible. He wants you to connect with him in worship.

How to Hear God Through Pain

May 4, 2024

There are seasons when we can’t hear a whisper. It is then God shouts. Pain is a gift to tell us when something is wrong, and often, the megaphone God uses so we can hear his still, small voice. Here is my question for the day: Can you grow through what you’re going through? Pain will make you bitter or better. The difference is whether you have the ability to hear from God when he shouts through pain.

How to Hear God Through Pain

March 29, 2024

Through a visual tour of classic Christian Art, Mark Moore takes us on a visceral tour of the scene at the crucifixion, helping us feel the impact of Jesus’s sacrifice for our sins.

Jonah: Returning to Joppa

March 24, 2024

Jonah is the only missionary story of the Old Testament. He ran in the wrong direction when God called his prophet to go to his enemies. God had to intervene with a miracle. Seven Hundred years later, God sent another man to his enemies—the Apostle Peter. He was tasked to baptize the first non-Jewish convert, a soldier of the occupying forces in Israel. God took Peter to Joppa, from where he embarked on his journey, this time, going in the right direction.

Jonah: Jonah Goes to Ninevah

March 9, 2024

God called Jonah to go to his enemies. This is the only missionary book in the Old Testament, and God’s messenger was NOT onboard. After three days in the depths, the reluctant prophet complies, preaching a brief and nasty sermon. The entire city repented, even up to the king, infuriating Jonah. There are lessons in there for us. Are you ready to go in the right direction?

Be the Light

December 29, 2023

Darkness encroaches. The division grows. Culture drifts sideways. But we have an answer. The remedy. The one and only cure. And it’s our duty to live it out so others may know the truth. Be the light.

The End of All Things

February 4, 2024

Some of the most surprising information we have about Heaven and Hell comes from the authority of Jesus alone. If Satan can confuse us about the reality of Hell, then we won’t believe God has power, and we won’t believe God is just. We might even believe that God forgets things we did, leading us to perceive God as incompetent. If we don’t believe that heaven is beautiful and wonderful, we won’t have the hope we need.


February 25, 2024

We are most free when we are most dead. Mark highlighted three practices and challenged us to take on one of them this week as a way of combatting the flesh: Fasting—Skip three meals one day this week. This is a sacrifice of pleasure. This counters the lust of the flesh. Generosity—give something away that is important to you. This is a sacrifice of material goods. This counters the lust of the eyes. (Story of the Pulpit Commentary) Service—Dedicate 3 hours of your week to offer a skill you have that you could use to Love the Ville in a tangible way this week. This is a sacrifice of time. This counters the boastful pride of life.

Contrast: Weakness

December 16, 2023

It's time to decide. The way of Jesus or that of the world? The Christian faith requires us to step up and step out - leading culture toward a new and fulfilling life. There's a better way to live, and it's time to chase after it.

The Power of Gratitude

November 26, 2023

In a world that’s so often after gain, gratitude grounds us to something infinitely more. Celebrate with us and reclaim a spirit of thanksgiving that will sustain you through the holidays and into the new year.

Who is Our Enemy

November 12, 2023, Southeast Christian Church

The unseen war behind all wars features an already-defeated enemy. Although defeated, he is desperate and will do everything he can to distract the people of God from the true battle. When we know who our enemy is, we know what to keep our focus on

Will I Be Raptured

October 29, 2023, Southeast Christian Church

In Revelation, John charges us to live a life of faithfulness to Jesus regardless of our trials and tribulations. We are assured that where there is judgement for the sins of the world, there is also mercy from the One who has overcome the world.

The Character of God: Grace

October 7, 2023

When you think of God, what comes to mind? An abstract and mysterious being? An angry, distant judge? A dependable and faithful father? No matter what end of the spectrum you've found yourself, journey with us in the series to know the true character of God.

The World Spins, 4: Small Steps to Big Changes

August 26, 2023

It's time to burn the plows and go all in with radical commitment. Because this Good News is just too miraculous not to share. Learn from the life of Elisha - what it truly means to be bold. And just watch what God will do.

Too Far Gone, 4: Zacchaeus

July 24, 2023

We all know what it feels like not to belong. Sometimes its not the down-and-outers but the up-and-outers that have the hardest time meeting Jesus. In this story, we meet a man like that who moved from success to significance after meeting Jesus. This could be your story.

Too Far Gone, 3: Demoniac

July 17, 2023

We all know what it feels like not to belong. Sometimes our “crazy” makes it feel impossible to be an influencer for Jesus. In this story, we read about a demoniac that was responsible for thousands of his own people to meet Jesus after they had rejected him. This could be your story.

Too Far Gone, 2: Magdalene

July 10, 2023

We all know what it feels like to not belong. Sometimes we feel that our past must determine our future. In this story, we read about a woman with a past who became an unexpectedly powerful witness for Jesus. This could be your story.

Too Far Gone, 1: Centurion

July 3, 2023

We all know what it feels like to not belong. Sometimes we feel that way in church. In this story, we read about an outsider who was the only individual to ever impress Jesus with his faith. This could be your story.

How to Answer Your Questions: Week 3, Extended

June 26, 2023

Knowing the Bible better makes you better. We know that. That’s why so many people are interested in the Bible. But its a big book so it’s easy to get lost along the way and it’s an old book so it feel foreign. In the message we will walk through the New Testament to empower you to get your hands around it for application.

How to Answer Your Questions: Week 3

June 25, 2023

Knowing the Bible better makes you better. We know that. That’s why so many people are interested in the Bible. But its a big book so it’s easy to get lost along the way and it’s an old book so it feel foreign. In the message we will walk through the New Testament to empower you to get your hands around it for application.

How to Read the New Testament: Week 2, Extended

June 12, 2023

Knowing the Bible better makes you better. We know that. That’s why so many people are interested in the Bible. But its a big book so it’s easy to get lost along the way and it’s an old book so it feel foreign. In the message we will walk through the New Testament to empower you to get your hands around it for application.

How to Read the New Testament: Week 2

June 11, 2023

Knowing the Bible better makes you better. We know that. That’s why so many people are interested in the Bible. But its a big book so it’s easy to get lost along the way and it’s an old book so it feel foreign. In the message we will walk through the New Testament to empower you to get your hands around it for application.

How to Read the Old Testament: Week 1, Extended Cut

June 5, 2023

Knowing the Bible better makes you better. We know that. That’s why so many people are interested in the Bible. But its a big book so it’s easy to get lost along the way and it’s an old book so it feel foreign. In the message we will walk through the Old Testament to empower you to get your hands around it for application.

How to Read the Old Testament: Week 1

June 4, 2023

Knowing the Bible better makes you better. We know that. That’s why so many people are interested in the Bible. But its a big book so it’s easy to get lost along the way and it’s an old book so it feel foreign. In the message we will walk through the Old Testament to empower you to get your hands around it for application.

What Happens After You Die?

May 7, 2023

We stand on what we believe is certain while staring into a mystery that awaits us all. What does the afterlife hold? Join us as we dive into the topic of heaven, hell, and what happens after we die. Tune in to CCV online and hear from our Teaching Pastors Ashley Wooldridge and Mark Moore who share answers to questions about heaven and hell from our CCV community!

Good Friday

Apr 7, 2023

Simple? Perhaps. Easy? Certainly not. Worth our every effort? Absolutely! The Way of Jesus is a lifestyle. A set of perspective and disciplines that unlock a fuller and more purpose-filled life. But to get there is to move beyond just knowing about Jesus, and deciding to actively follow in His footsteps. When you pursue His way, your life will never be the same again.

Way of Purpose

Apr 2, 2023

Simple? Perhaps. Easy? Certainly not. Worth our every effort? Absolutely! The Way of Jesus is a lifestyle. A set of perspective and disciplines that unlock a fuller and more purpose-filled life. But to get there is to move beyond just knowing about Jesus, and deciding to actively follow in His footsteps. When you pursue His way, your life will never be the same again.

Way of Fulfillment

Mar 19 2023

Simple? Perhaps. Easy? Certainly not. Worth our every effort? Absolutely! The Way of Jesus is a lifestyle. A set of perspective and disciplines that unlock a fuller and more purpose-filled life. But to get there is to move beyond just knowing about Jesus, and deciding to actively follow in His footsteps. When you pursue His way, your life will never be the same again.

Way of Happiness

Feb 26, 2023

Simple? Perhaps. Easy? Certainly not. Worth our every effort? Absolutely! The Way of Jesus is a lifestyle. A set of perspective and disciplines that unlock a fuller and more purpose-filled life. But to get there is to move beyond just knowing about Jesus, and deciding to actively follow in His footsteps. When you pursue His way, your life will never be the same again.

Burn the Ships | Jan 1, 2023

Jan 1, 2023

Life offers retreat — easy exit strategies when the going gets tough. God offers death-defying adventure, a daring journey to discover all He’s made you to become. He requires everything you have, but He promises everything you need and more. It’s time to burn the ships and boldly charge the path ahead.