Sermons Archive
Arranged by Date
New Thing, 2 Cor 5:14-17 (12/28/24)
You are the Salt of the Earth, Matt 5:13-16 (12/14/24)
Blessed are the Peacemakers, Matt 5:9 (11/30/24)
Blessed are the Merciful, Matt 5:7 (11/16/24)
Blessed are those who Mourn, Matt 5:4 (10/26/24)
Dealing with Disappointment, Jer 20 (08/24/24)
How to Worship When You're Overwhelmed, Psa 8 (06/22/24)
How to Worship When You're Ashamed, Psa 51 (06/08/24)
Can I Be Honest with God?, Psa 3 (06/01/24)
How to Hear God through Pain, Psalm 34:18 (05/04/24)
Good Friday, Luke 23:34-49 (03/29/24)
Jonah: Returning to Joppa, Acts 9-10 (03/24/24)
Jonah Goes to Ninevah, Jonah 3 (03/09/24)
Mortification, Gal 5 (02/25/24)
The End of All Things, Rev 20 (02/04/24)
Be the Light, Matt 5:12-16 (12/29/23)
Contrast: Weakness, 2 Cor 11 (12/16/23)
Power of Gratitude, John 1:14-16 (11/26/23)
Who is my Enemy?, Rev 19 (11/12/23)
Will I Be Raptured, Rev 13 (10/29/23)
Character of God: Grace, Exod 34:6 (10/07/23)
World Spins 2: Naaman, 2 Kings 5 (08/26/23)
Too Far Gone, 4: Zacchaeus, Luke 19:1-11 (07/24/23)
Too Far Gone, 3: Demoniac, Mark 5:1-17 (07/17/23)
Too Far Gone, 2: Magdalene, Luke 7:36-50 (07/10/23)
Too Far Gone, 1: Centurion, Luke 7:1-10 (07/03/23)
How to Answer Questions Extended, various (06/26/23)
How to Answer Questions, various (06/25/23)
How to Read the N.T. Extended, various (06/12/23)
How to Read the N.T., various (06/11/23)
How to Read the O.T. Extended, various (06/05/23)
How to Read the O.T., various (06/04/23)
What Happens After You Die?, various (05/07/23)
Good Friday, Luke 23:26-43 (04/07/23)
Way of Purpose, Luke 19:1-8 (04/02/23)
Way of Fulfillment, John 6:1-20 (03/19/23)
Way of Happiness, John 2:1-10 (02/26/23)
Burn the Ships, John 6:68 (01/01/23)
The Generous Life, Luke 9:12-17 (11/29/22)
Genesis of Generosity, Gen 1 (11/14/22)
Horns and Hooves: Deception, Gen 3:4-5 (10/17/22)
Is Jesus the Only Way to God?, Acts 4:12 (09/26/22)
Elijah: The Power of Prayer, 1 Kings 18:41-44 (08/22/22)
Colossians: Connection, Colossians 3:18-4:18 (06/27/22)
Colossians: Transformation, Colossians 2:16-3:17 (06/13/22)
Colossians: Awe, Colossians 1:24-2:15 (06/06/22)
Colossians: Wonder, Colossians 1:15-23 (05/30/22)
Jesus is for your Inclusion, Luke 7:1-10 (04/11/22)
Jesus is for your Dignity, Matt 11 (03/21/22)
The Power of AND, Matt 14 (02/13/22)
A Year of Good News, Mark 1:1, 15 (01/03/22)
276: Your Father Calls You, John 6:37-51 (11/27/21)
Joseph: Legacy, Gen 48-50 (10/09/21)
Joseph: Temptations, Gen 39:1-23 (09/18/21)
Shadow Boxing: Serving, 1 Cor 9:25-26 (08/21/21)
1 Peter 4-5, Endurance, 1 Peter 4-5 (06/26/21)
1 Peter 2:13-3:22, Honor, 1 Peter 2:13-3:22 (06/12/21)
1 Peter 1:13-2:12, Integrity, 1 Peter 1:13-2:12 (06/05/21)
1 Peter 1:1-12, Hope, 1 Peter 1:1-12 (05/29/21)
Why Do Bad Things Happen, nan (04/25/21)
Prodigal Father, Luke 15:20-24 (03/21/21)
Rhino Bison Lamb, Psalm 23 (02/13/21)
Relationships: Be Present; Less Distant, various (01/02/21)
Anxiety, Luke 10:41-42 (10/31/20)
The Head of a Leader, various (10/10/20)
Trap of Ignoring, Matt 18:15-17 (09/22/20)
Light of the World, John 8:12 (08/15/20)
A New Normal: Gratitude, Luke 19:11-19 (07/04/20)
A New Normal: Connection, Acts 2:42-46 (06/27/20)
Breakthrough: Others, Philemon (06/06/20)
Breakthrough: Power, Eph 3:17-20 (05/30/20)
Good Medicine: The Backside of Pain, Rom 8:28 (05/03/20)
Warrior: Be Brave, nan (04/04/20)
Nemesis: Greed vs. Contentment, 1 Tim 6:6-10 (02/15/20)
Memories and Moments: Moments, Luke 9 (01/17/20)
Memories and Moments: Memories, Luke 9 (01/10/20)
More Than Us, Part 2, Luke 5:12-16 (12/01/19)
Wind & Fire: The Power of the HS, Rom 8:1-38 (11/10/19)
Wind & Fire: The Presence of the HS, Col 3:13 (10/15/19)
Words Create World: I Forgive You, Col 3:13 (10/01/19)
For Mondays: Called to Give Our Best, Col 3:23 (09/15/19)
Iron: Around (Proverbs 27:17), Prov 27:17 (09/01/19)
Free for All 4: The Law of Influence, Gal 6 (07/06/19)
Free for All 3: Freedom is not Free, Gal 5 (06/30/19)
Free For All 2: Why Law?, Gal 3 (06/12/19)
Free For All 1: Fight for Freedom, Gal 2 (06/05/19)
Anxious for Nothing: List, Phil 4 (05/22/19)
Tough as Nails, Dan 6 (04/15/19)
Dark Horses: Esther, Esher (02/17/19)
Vow of Priority, Eph 5:25 (01/05/19)
This Could be You, Col 1:28 (01/01/19)
Advent: Meals, Luke 1:39-2:12 (12/16/18)
Prayers God will Say Yes: Workers, Matt 9:37-38 (11/18/18)
Prayers God will Say Yes: Wisdom, James 1:5 (11/04/18)
Samson: Weak Will, Judges 13-16 (10/14/18)
Smooth Criminal 5: Greed, Luke 12:15 (09/30/18)
Into the Wild: Noah (Generations CC), Gen 6-9 (09/09/18)
At the Core: Servant Attitude, various (08/26/18)
At the Core: Integrity, Prov 20:7 (08/19/18)
Joyride: Gratitude, Phil 4 (06/24/18)
Joyride: Hope, Phil 3 (06/17/18)
Joyride: Humility, Phil 2 (06/10/18)
Joyride: Purpose, Phil 1 (06/03/18)
Less is More, John 3:30 (05/20/18)
Antenna Clearest Path to God’s Will, Psa 119:105 (04/22/18)
How to build Bold, Prov 28:1, Prov 28:1 (03/25/18)
Mission, Matthew 28:19, Matt 28:19-20 (12/17/17)
When God Seems Unfair, Matt 20:1-16 (11/26/17)
Revenge, 1 Sam 24, 1 Sam 24 (09/24/17)
Finding True Friends, 1 Sam 18:1-5, 1 Sam 18:1-5 (09/17/17)
Communion, 1 Cor 11, 1 Cor 11:24-32 (07/23/17)
Timeless: Covet, Exod 20:17, Exod 20:15 (06/25/17)
Timeless: Lie, Exod 20:16, Exod 20:16 (06/18/17)
Timeless: Steal, Exod 20:16, Exod 20:16 (06/11/17)
Timeless: Lord’s Name, Exod 20:7, Exod 20:7 (05/07/17)
Confidence without all the answers, Eccl 7 (04/02/17)
Generous: Tithing, Gen 14:17-20, Gen 14:17-20 (02/12/17)
Water to Wine, John 2:1-11, John 2:1-11 (01/01/17)
United: Community, Luke 10:25-37, Luke 10:25-37 (11/20/16)
Letters: Pharaoh, Rom 9:17, Rom 9:17 (10/30/16)
Sounds: Silence, Eph 5:22-33, Eph 5:22-33 (10/09/16)
Stretched: Quarrels, James 4:1-17, James 4:1-17 (09/11/16)
Stretched: James 3:1-18, James 3:1-18 (09/04/16)
I Love My Church: Missions, Acts 1:8, Acts 1:8 (07/17/16)
Overcome: Revenge, Gen 42-44, Gen 42-44 (07/03/16)
True(ish) Happy, Psalm 1, Psa 1 (05/09/16)
Game Plan: Practice, 1 Tim 4:1-8, 1 Tim 4:1-8 (04/17/16)
Change for Good: Priority, Mal 3:7-18, Mal 3:7-18 (01/10/16)
Paul to the Phoenicians, 2 Tim 1:1-7 (12/28/15)
Christmas Movies: Grinch,, Ezek 36:26 (12/13/15)
Inspi(red): Relationships, Matt 7:1-2, Matt 7:1-12 (11/22/15)
Inspi(red): Influence, Matt 5:13-20, Mat 5:13-20 (10/11/15)
Revealed: Promises, Rev 17-22, Rev 17-22 (07/26/15)
Revealed: Powers, Rev 9-18, Rev 9-18 (07/19/15)
Revealed: Pain, Rev 5-9, Rev 5-9 (07/12/15)
Revealed: Priorities, Rev 1, 5, 19, Rev 1, 5, 19 (07/05/15)
You Asked for it: Trinity, 1 Cor 13:14, 1 Cor 13:14 (05/24/15)
Detox: Religion, Mark 8:15, Mark 8:15 (05/15/15)
Love Does: Pray, Phil 1:9-11, Phil 1:9-11 (02/15/15)
A Change for Good, 1 Tim 5:8 (01/19/15)
Fresh Start: Finances, Matt 6:19-21, Matt 6:19-21 (01/11/15)
Wisdom: Pride, Prov 16:18, Prov 16:18 (09/28/14)
XMen on Origins, Genesis 1:26, Gen 1:26 (07/28/14)
Frozen on Purpose, Mark 10:45, Mark 10:45 (07/20/14)
Matrix on Truth, John 8:31-32, John 8:31-32 (07/14/14)
Captain America Mortality, Eph 6:12, Eph 6:12 (07/07/14)
Man-Up: Be Truthful, 2 Tim 4:1-22, 2 Tim 4:1-22 (05/25/14)
Encounter: Thief, Luke 23:32-43, Luke 23:32-43 (04/13/14)
Encounter: Mary, John 12:1-8, John 12:1-8 (03/16/14)
Power of One: Day, Hebrews 4:8-10, Heb 4:8-10 (02/02/14)
Power of One: Prayer, Matt 6:9-13, Matt 6:9-13 (01/20/14)
Silence of God, Psa 46:10; Job 13:5, Psa 46:10 (12/29/13)
Expectations: Friends, John 15:9-17, John 15:9-17 (11/10/13)
My Family: Mixed, Gen 50:20, Gen 50:20 (10/06/13)
Identity Theft: Hacking, Eph 5:21-6:24, Eph 5:21-6:24 (08/04/13)
Identity Theft: Spam, Eph 4:1-5:26, Eph 4:1-5:26 (07/28/13)
Identity: Pharming, Eph 2:11-3:21, Eph 2:11-3:21 (07/21/13)
Identity Theft: Fraud, Eph 2:1-10, Eph 2:1-10 (07/14/13)
Identity Theft: Phishing, Eph 1:1-14, Eph 1:1-14 (07/07/13)
Can I Trust the Bible, 1 Cor 15:3-7, 1 Cor 15:3-7 (04/14/13)
The Story: Paul’s Final Days, Chpt 30, 2 Tim (02/17/13)
The Story: Paul’s Mission, Chpt 29, Acts 13-20 (02/10/13)
The Story: Darkness, Chpt 26, Matt 26-27 (01/20/13)
The Story: Jesus’ Begins, Chpt 23, Matt 3-4 (12/30/12)
The Story: The King Had it All, Chp 13, 1 Kings 1-8 (10/21/12)
Story: The Trials of a King, Chpt 12, 2 Samuel 11-12 (10/13/12)
Story: Shepherd to King, Chpt 11, 1 Sam 16:7 (10/07/12)
Story: A Few Good Men and Women, Judges 21:25 (09/23/12)
The Story: The Battle Begins, Chp 7, Joshua 1:8 (09/16/12)
The Story: Creation, Chp 1, Gen 1 (08/19/12)
X: Live with Integrity, Exod 20:15, Exod 20:15 (07/18/12)
X: Tell the Truth, Exod 20:16, Exod 20:16 (07/15/12)
X: Honor Your Vows, Exod 20:14, Exod 20:14 (07/01/12)
X: Celebrate Life, Exodus 20:13, Exod 20:13 (06/24/12)
X: Sabbath, Ex 20:8-11, Exod 20:8-11 (06/10/12)
Unleashed: Fingerprints, Acts 17, Acts 17 (03/11/12)
Unleashed: Cornelius, Acts 10, Acts 10 (02/19/12)
Unleashed: Saul, Acts 9, Acts 9 (02/12/12)
Arranged by Biblical Text
Old Testament
Gen 1, Genesis of Generosity (11/14/22)
Gen 1, The Story: Creation, Chp 1 (08/19/12)
Gen 14:17-20, Generous: Tithing, Gen 14:17-20 (02/12/17)
Gen 1:26, XMen on Origins, Genesis 1:26 (07/28/14)
Gen 39:1-23, Joseph: Temptations (09/18/21)
Gen 3:4-5, Horns and Hooves: Deception (10/17/22)
Gen 42-44, Overcome: Revenge, Gen 42-44 (07/03/16)
Gen 48-50, Joseph: Legacy (10/09/21)
Gen 50:20, My Family: Mixed, Gen 50:20 (10/06/13)
Gen 6-9, Into the Wild: Noah (Generations CC) (09/09/18)
Exod 20:13, X: Celebrate Life, Exodus 20:13 (06/24/12)
Exod 20:14, X: Honor Your Vows, Exod 20:14 (07/01/12)
Exod 20:15, Timeless: Covet, Exod 20:17 (06/25/17)
Exod 20:15, X: Live with Integrity, Exod 20:15 (07/18/12)
Exod 20:16, Timeless: Lie, Exod 20:16 (06/18/17)
Exod 20:16, Timeless: Steal, Exod 20:16 (06/11/17)
Exod 20:16, X: Tell the Truth, Exod 20:16 (07/15/12)
Exod 20:7, Timeless: Lord’s Name, Exod 20:7 (05/07/17)
Exod 20:8-11, X: Sabbath, Ex 20:8-11 (06/10/12)
Exod 34:6, Character of God: Grace (10/07/23)
Joshua 1:8, The Story: The Battle Begins, Chp 7 (09/16/12)
Judges 13-16, Samson: Weak Will (10/14/18)
Judges 21:25, Story: A Few Good Men and Women (09/23/12)
1 Sam 16:7, Story: Shepherd to King, Chpt 11 (10/07/12)
1 Sam 18:1-5, Finding True Friends, 1 Sam 18:1-5 (09/17/17)
1 Sam 24, Revenge, 1 Sam 24 (09/24/17)
2 Samuel 11-12, Story: The Trials of a King, Chpt 12 (10/13/12)
1 Kings 1-8, The Story: The King Had it All, Chp 13 (10/21/12)
1 Kings 18:41-44, Elijah: The Power of Prayer (08/22/22)
2 Kings 5, World Spins 2: Naaman (08/26/23)
Esher, Dark Horses: Esther (02/17/19)
Psa 1, True(ish) Happy, Psalm 1 (05/09/16)
Psa 119:105, Antenna Clearest Path to God’s Will (04/22/18)
Psa 3, Can I Be Honest with God? (06/01/24)
Psa 46:10, Silence of God, Psa 46:10; Job 13:5 (12/29/13)
Psa 51, How to Worship When You're Ashamed (06/08/24)
Psa 8, How to Worship When You're Overwhelmed (06/22/24)
Psa 23, Rhino Bison Lamb (02/13/21)
Psa 34:18, How to Hear God through Pain (05/04/24)
Prov 16:18, Wisdom: Pride, Prov 16:18 (09/28/14)
Prov 20:7, At the Core: Integrity (08/19/18)
Prov 27:17, Iron: Around (Proverbs 27:17) (09/01/19)
Prov 28:1, How to build Bold, Prov 28:1 (03/25/18)
Eccl 7, Confidence without all the answers (04/02/17)
Ezek 36:26, Christmas Movies: Grinch, (12/13/15)
Jer 20, Dealing with Disappointment (08/24/24)
Dan 6, Tough as Nails (04/15/19)
Jonah 3, Jonah Goes to Ninevah (03/09/24)
Mal 3:7-18, Change for Good: Priority, Mal 3:7-18 (01/10/16)
New Testament
Matt 5:13-20, Inspi(red): Influence, Matt 5:13-20 (10/11/15)
Matt 11, Jesus is for your Dignity (03/21/22)
Matt 14, The Power of AND (02/13/22)
Matt 18:15-17, Trap of Ignoring (09/22/20)
Matt 20:1-16, When God Seems Unfair (11/26/17)
Matt 26-27, The Story: Darkness, Chpt 26 (01/20/13)
Matt 28:19-20, Mission, Matthew 28:19 (12/17/17)
Matt 3-4, The Story: Jesus’ Begins, Chpt 23 (12/30/12)
Matt 5:12-16, Be the Light (12/29/23)
Matt 5:13-16, You are the Salt of the Earth (12/14/24)
Matt 5:4, Blessed are those who Mourn (10/26/24)
Matt 5:7, Blessed are the Merciful (11/16/24)
Matt 5:9, Blessed are the Peacemakers (11/30/24)
Matt 6:19-21, Fresh Start: Finances, Matt 6:19-21 (01/11/15)
Matt 6:9-13, Power of One: Prayer, Matt 6:9-13 (01/20/14)
Matt 7:1-12, Inspi(red): Relationships, Matt 7:1-2 (11/22/15)
Matt 9:37-38, Prayers God will Say Yes: Workers (11/18/18)
Mark 10:45, Frozen on Purpose, Mark 10:45 (07/20/14)
Mark 1:1, 15, A Year of Good News (01/03/22)
Mark 5:1-17, Too Far Gone, 3: Demoniac (07/17/23)
Mark 8:15, Detox: Religion, Mark 8:15 (05/15/15)
Luke 10:25-37, United: Community, Luke 10:25-37 (11/20/16)
Luke 10:41-42, Anxiety (10/31/20)
Luke 12:15, Smooth Criminal 5: Greed (09/30/18)
Luke 15:20-24, Prodigal Father (03/21/21)
Luke 19:1-11, Too Far Gone, 4: Zacchaeus (07/24/23)
Luke 19:1-8, Way of Purpose (04/02/23)
Luke 19:11-19, A New Normal: Gratitude (07/04/20)
Luke 1:39-2:12, Advent: Meals (12/16/18)
Luke 23:26-43, Good Friday (04/07/23)
Luke 23:32-43, Encounter: Thief, Luke 23:32-43 (04/13/14)
Luke 23:34-49, Good Friday (03/29/24)
Luke 5:12-16, More Than Us, Part 2 (12/01/19)
Luke 7:1-10, Too Far Gone, 1: Centurion (07/03/23)
Luke 7:1-10, Jesus is for your Inclusion (04/11/22)
Luke 7:36-50, Too Far Gone, 2: Magdalene (07/10/23)
Luke 9, Memories and Moments: Moments (01/17/20)
Luke 9, Memories and Moments: Memories (01/10/20)
Luke 9:12-17, The Generous Life (11/29/22)
John 12:1-8, Encounter: Mary, John 12:1-8 (03/16/14)
John 15:9-17, Expectations: Friends, John 15:9-17 (11/10/13)
John 1:14-16, Power of Gratitude (11/26/23)
John 2:1-10, Way of Happiness (02/26/23)
John 2:1-11, Water to Wine, John 2:1-11 (01/01/17)
John 3:30, Less is More (05/20/18)
John 6:1-20, Way of Fulfillment (03/19/23)
John 6:37-51, 276: Your Father Calls You (11/27/21)
John 6:68, Burn the Ships (01/01/23)
John 8:12, Light of the World (08/15/20)
John 8:31-32, Matrix on Truth, John 8:31-32 (07/14/14)
Acts 10, Unleashed: Cornelius, Acts 10 (02/19/12)
Acts 13-20, The Story: Paul’s Mission, Chpt 29 (02/10/13)
Acts 17, Unleashed: Fingerprints, Acts 17 (03/11/12)
Acts 1:8, I Love My Church: Missions, Acts 1:8 (07/17/16)
Acts 2:42-46, A New Normal: Connection (06/27/20)
Acts 4:12, Is Jesus the Only Way to God? (09/26/22)
Acts 9, Unleashed: Saul, Acts 9 (02/12/12)
Acts 9-10, Jonah: Returning to Joppa (03/24/24)
Rom 8:1-38, Wind & Fire: The Power of the HS (11/10/19)
Rom 8:28, Good Medicine: The Backside of Pain (05/03/20)
Rom 9:17, Letters: Pharaoh, Rom 9:17 (10/30/16)
1 Cor 11:24-32, Communion, 1 Cor 11 (07/23/17)
1 Cor 13:14, You Asked for it: Trinity, 1 Cor 13:14 (05/24/15)
1 Cor 15:3-7, Can I Trust the Bible, 1 Cor 15:3-7 (04/14/13)
1 Cor 9:25-26, Shadow Boxing: Serving (08/21/21)
2 Cor 11, Contrast: Weakness (12/16/23)
2 Cor 5:14-17, New Thing (12/28/24)
Gal 2, Free For All 1: Fight for Freedom (06/05/19)
Gal 3, Free For All 2: Why Law? (06/12/19)
Gal 5, Mortification (02/25/24)
Gal 5, Free for All 3: Freedom is not Free (06/30/19)
Gal 6, Free for All 4: The Law of Influence (07/06/19)
Eph 1:1-14, Identity Theft: Phishing, Eph 1:1-14 (07/07/13)
Eph 2:1-10, Identity Theft: Fraud, Eph 2:1-10 (07/14/13)
Eph 2:11-3:21, Identity: Pharming, Eph 2:11-3:21 (07/21/13)
Eph 3:17-20, Breakthrough: Power (05/30/20)
Eph 4:1-5:26, Identity Theft: Spam, Eph 4:1-5:26 (07/28/13)
Eph 5:21-6:24, Identity Theft: Hacking, Eph 5:21-6:24 (08/04/13)
Eph 5:22-33, Sounds: Silence, Eph 5:22-33 (10/09/16)
Eph 5:25, Vow of Priority (01/05/19)
Eph 6:12, Captain America Mortality, Eph 6:12 (07/07/14)
Phil 1, Joyride: Purpose (06/03/18)
Phil 1:9-11, Love Does: Pray, Phil 1:9-11 (02/15/15)
Phil 2, Joyride: Humility (06/10/18)
Phil 3, Joyride: Hope (06/17/18)
Phil 4, Anxious for Nothing: List (05/22/19)
Phil 4, Joyride: Gratitude (06/24/18)
Col 1:15-23, Colossians: Wonder (05/30/22)
Col 1:24-2:15, Colossians: Awe (06/06/22)
Col 1:28, This Could be You (01/01/19)
Col 2:16-3:17, Colossians: Transformation (06/13/22)
Col 3:13, Words Create World: I Forgive You (10/01/19)
Col 3:13, Wind & Fire: The Presence of the HS (10/15/19)
Col 3:18-4:18, Colossians: Connection (06/27/22)
Col 3:23, For Mondays: Called to Give Our Best (09/15/19)
1 Tim 4:1-8, Game Plan: Practice, 1 Tim 4:1-8 (04/17/16)
1 Tim 5:8, A Change for Good (01/19/15)
1 Tim 6:6-10, Nemesis: Greed vs. Contentment (02/15/20)
2 Tim, The Story: Paul’s Final Days, Chpt 30 (02/17/13)
2 Tim 1:1-7, Paul to the Phoenicians (12/28/15)
2 Tim 4:1-22, Man-Up: Be Truthful, 2 Tim 4:1-22 (05/25/14)
Phlm, Breakthrough: Others (06/06/20)
Heb 4:8-10, Power of One: Day, Hebrews 4:8-10 (02/02/14)
James 1:5, Prayers God will Say Yes: Wisdom (11/04/18)
James 3:1-18, Stretched: James 3:1-18 (09/04/16)
James 4:1-17, Stretched: Quarrels, James 4:1-17 (09/11/16)
1 Pet 1:1-12, 1 Peter 1:1-12, Hope (05/29/21)
1 Pet 1:13-2:12, 1 Peter 1:13-2:12, Integrity (06/05/21)
1 Pet 2:13-3:22, 1 Peter 2:13-3:22, Honor (06/12/21)
1 Pet 4-5, 1 Peter 4-5, Endurance (06/26/21)
Rev 1, 5, 19, Revealed: Priorities, Rev 1, 5, 19 (07/05/15)
Rev 13, Will I Be Raptured (10/29/23)
Rev 17-22, Revealed: Promises, Rev 17-22 (07/26/15)
Rev 19, Who is my Enemy? (11/12/23)
Rev 20, The End of All Things (02/04/24)
Rev 5-9, Revealed: Pain, Rev 5-9 (07/12/15)
Rev 9-18, Revealed: Powers, Rev 9-18 (07/19/15)
Various, Why Do Bad Things Happen (04/25/21)
Various, Warrior: Be Brave (04/04/20)
Various, How to Answer Questions Extended (06/26/23)
Various, How to Answer Questions (06/25/23)
Various, How to Read the N.T. Extended (06/12/23)
Various, How to Read the N.T. (06/11/23)
Various, How to Read the O.T. Extended (06/05/23)
Various, How to Read the O.T. (06/04/23)
Various, What Happens After You Die? (05/07/23)
Various, Relationships: Be Present; Less Distant (01/02/21)
Various, The Head of a Leader (10/10/20)
Various, At the Core: Servant Attitude (08/26/18)